Are you tired of constantly putting off your tasks until the last minute? Do you find yourself scrolling through social media instead of being productive?

Procrastination is a habit that can have serious consequences, such as missed deadlines or unfinished projects. When we procrastinate, we often find ourselves cramming everything into a short period of time, which then can compromise the quality of our work.

It’s time to get on track and break out of your procrastination habit! Here are five tips to help you overcome procrastination:


1. Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Breaking tasks into smaller steps can be a great way to avoid procrastination. Not only does it make tackling a more complex task much more manageable, but it also helps to create momentum and a sense of accomplishment. When faced with something large and intimidating, it can help to break it down into smaller, achievable steps. This allows us to focus on each individual piece without feeling overwhelmed by the bigger picture.

By breaking tasks into smaller pieces, you can also create deadlines for yourself that are easier to keep track of. If the task is too big, setting small goals and benchmarks along the way can help to motivate you and provide short-term rewards for the little tasks that you’ve completed within a certain timeframe. Ultimately, when the whole project is completed,  you’ll receive a longer-term reward.

When you’re not overwhelmed by the entirety of the project, it may seem more doable, as each small task requires less energy from us overall. When we’re feeling unmotivated or low in energy, smaller tasks are easier to focus on. By breaking down a complex goal into individual components, it can be easier to stay organized and prioritize which parts of the task need to be completed first.

When your tasks are smaller, it is easier for someone else to help you complete the project. If a person only has limited time available, they can take on a few of the smaller components without having to dedicate their day solely towards completing the large goal.

Remember, if you’re breaking down your large tasks into small ones, it is important to manage your time and allow for each piece of the project to be completed on time. Even though this technique may make it easier to manage your time, there is still a deadline to meet. Time management and prioritization are key when breaking down your to-do list.


2. Utilize a Timer and Measure your successes

Setting a timer can be a game-changer. It allows us to focus on the task at hand for a set period, without distraction. The Pomodoro Technique is an effective time management strategy that was developed in the late 1980s. It involves setting a timer and working for 25 minutes and then taking a 5-minute break.

The idea behind the Pomodoro Technique is that work sessions should be divided into smaller chunks to make them more manageable and less overwhelming. This allows users to focus on their task at hand and take frequent breaks to rest and reset their minds. Breaking up long tasks also helps reduce procrastination and boredom, as well as increase motivation levels throughout the day.

A timer also helps in terms of accountability; if you know that the time limit is coming up, then you’ll be more likely to push yourself to finish the task before the deadline. Additionally, having a timer running during a project can help keep your focus on completing the task. Without one, it’s easy to become distracted by other tasks that come up or conversations with colleagues that might pull you away from what needs to get done.


3. Eliminate Distractions

Distractions, such as checking social media or answering emails, can significantly hinder productivity. By removing these distractions, we can focus solely on the task at hand. Consider turning off your phone notifications or using apps that block distracting websites.


4. Establish a Routine

Creating structure in your daily tasks can help to eliminate procrastination. By establishing a routine, you are setting expectations for yourself and creating a sense of accountability. This routine could include setting specific times for work or designating a specific space for studying.

When it comes to organizing our day-to-day activities, planning ahead is key. Scheduling out tasks for the week, setting realistic deadlines for each task and proactively allocating time for breaks are all great ways to give structure to your routine. When you do this, you’ll have a clear idea of what needs to be accomplished at any given point of the day, and will be better equipped to focus and take action on specific goals.

Having an established structure also allows us to take advantage of our peak motivation periods throughout the day. Oftentimes, simply knowing when we’re most productive allows us to prioritize certain tasks over others. That way, we can maximize our efficiency during those times when we feel most motivated

and capable.


5. Set Goals and Rewards

Setting goals and rewards is a powerful tool for achieving success in any endeavor. Goals provide direction, motivation, and focus while rewards act as incentives that help to motivate and maintain positive behavior. By setting clear, achievable goals and providing meaningful rewards, individuals can make steady progress towards their desired outcomes.

Developing an effective goal-setting system requires careful consideration of both the objectives you are trying to achieve and the resources available to you.

Start by writing down your objectives in a clear, concise format with measurable milestones. This allows you to track your progress towards accomplishing each goal on an ongoing basis.

Now that you have your goals in place, reward yourself! These rewards shouldn’t be hours spent away from your desk each day, but something realistic like a quick coffee break is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Don’t over reward yourself, but make sure to treat yourself when you meet a goal or accomplish something that you’ve been working towards.

Procrastination can be a major roadblock to achieving our personal and business goals. When we take the time to understand why we procrastinate in the first place, we can then create solutions that are tailored to our lifestyles and habits. Identifying triggers that cause us to avoid tasks, creating actionable plans for tackling those tasks, and utilizing helpful tools like reward systems, timers, or breaking our to-do lists down, we can break free from this cycle of self-sabotage. Put your phone down, eliminate distractions, and take control of your future.


Are you ready to break free from procrastination? Check out our business bundle to learn more about how to better manage your time and continue owning your business.