As business babes, it’s inevitable that we spend the majority of our time in the hustlin’ space to grow and scale our biz but while there’s no doubt we need to spend that time, there’s also the other side of the entrepreneurial game. The mindset. Here are our top five tips for bossbabes to level up their mindset game!
Bossbabe Tip 1: Clear space and declutter the crap out of your business and life.
How great does it feel to declutter the crap in your life to make space for abundance and flow? Do you know the feeling of a good closet cleanout and bringing fresh energy into your home? Do this in your business too.
Think about what is draining you mentally and get rid of it. Are you working with soul-sucking clients? Get rid of them and make space for ones that are more deserving of your time. Afraid to lose the cashflow? Don’t be. Once you begin working with clients with whom you have mutual respect, you’ll feel more energized, and the revenue will come back much quicker than you know.
When you rid the stuff that should no longer be in your life, you’re physically and energetically making room for what you do want. Your beautiful new desires don’t want to come your way if they’re squashed in amongst your old crap, do they?
Bossbabe Tip 2: Think, feel, walk, and talk like you’ve already gotten what you desire.
What’s possible in your business is what you believe. You become what you believe. You have to mentally put yourself in the space that you manifest and desire. You know those dreams you have in your mind when you think about how freaking cool/badass/boss you’ll be once you have ‘x’?
Yep, that. Pretend like you already have it! This is the simplest and most effective way to raise your energy to be an energetic match for what you want. Plus, you’re already a manifesting priestess, so own it!

Bossbabe Tip 3: You can’t mess this up
What a relief, right? You’re not going to mess this whole thing up. Your goal is to be clear on what you want, anchor into that manifesting energy every day, clear those blocks and beliefs that hold you back, take action, and repeat.
Don’t stress or worry about whether you’re going to mess your manifesting up or whether you suck at it because you have the power every second to redirect your thoughts and energy towards what you want.
Bossbabe Tip 4: Listen to your intuition…she knows her stuff
Trust your intuition/gut/heart every single moment. What are you being guided to do? Where should you take action to work with the universe in manifesting your goals? You already have the answers within, so listen, trust, and do the work.
Bossbabe Tip 5: Practice a cup of gratitude every day
Being grateful is so much more than raising your energy. It’s about appreciating where you’re now to allow more of that goodness to come your way.
What’s the cup of gratitude?
It’s my little process where I think and feel into everything I’m grateful for while making my cup of coffee or tea. Skipping your gratitude practice can be easy to do, so I like to match mine with something I do daily (drinking coffee!), so it reminds me to do it then and there.
Put on the kettle and get an attitude of gratitude on gorgeous!

Bossbabe Tip: 6 – Let it go
You’ve got to detach from the outcome of your desires. Yes, it’s essential to be clear and positive about what you’re manifesting, but the universe may have a different (and way better) plan for you. When you’re grasping on to what you want so tightly, you’re blocking abundance coming your way.
Relax and trust sweetness.