Shift Your Money Mindset
Let us be the coaches in your corner! Revamp your relationship with money and grow your wealth.
Nicholle & Sarah
Badass coaches. Bestselling authors. Founders of the #MoneyBitch Movement.
Money Coaching
Shift your money mindset. Level up your business.
Let our team help you overcome your limiting beliefs, learn to KNOW your money to GROW your money, and build a life you love.
Let our team help you overcome your limiting beliefs, learn to KNOW your money to GROW your money, and build a life you love.
Non ultricies tempus nulla ipsum dictum sed porttitor quam sociis tincidunt.
Ready to start building wealth?
Become the ultimate #MoneyBitch
Building wealth is all about creating more freedom for yourself! Freedom to do more of WHAT you want, WHEN you want, WITH WHO you want!
You don’t need to be RICH to start building Wealth. You just need to be a Money Bitch! Get ready to invest in yourself! Want to take action and be confident in decisions you’re making? Let’s get started!
Ready to start building wealth?
Become the ultimate #MoneyBitch
Building wealth is all about creating more freedom for yourself! Freedom to do more of WHAT you want, WHEN you want, WITH WHO you want!
You don’t need to be RICH to start building Wealth. You just need to be a Money Bitch! Get ready to invest in yourself! Want to take action and be confident in decisions you’re making? Let’s get started!
Money Bitch
/ˈmənē/ /biCH/
A woman who’s confident in the decisions she’s making, knows her worth and goes after what she deserves. She builds wealth by being authentic to who she is, asking for help, setting boundaries, and taking action!

Here today.
There tomorrow.
Learn how to build your wealth and change your relationship with money!
We can’t predict what challenges we’ll be faced with, but we can be financially prepared for them.
Money doesn’t prevent us from having problems, but it sure does give us options when they occur.
Building wealth is about making your money work for you – even when you’re not working.
You don’t need to be rich to build wealth. Start small and as your wealth grows, the more options you have.

Let’s Shift Your Money Mindset
Are you ready to hold yourself accountable and start seeing REAL CHANGE in your relationship with money?
We know you’re busy, but TRUST US – you NEED to make the time for this!
Put your money where your goals are + change your life!
Group Money Coaching
Learn how to achieve your money goals – with TONS of support!

Let’s do this – together.
Our 5-week Group Money Coaching Program will help you own your suck, get un-stuck, and learn to put your money where your goals are!
You’ll also receive an invitation to our private Facebook group, where you’re welcome to ask questions, share your struggles, and connect with the other women in the group looking to make actionable CHANGE in their relationship with money!
During our 45 minute call each week (yep, same time every week!) we’ll cover everything you need to know to grow your money, including:
Are you ready to become the ULTIMATE Money Bitch?
Are you on the list?
Join our email list and grab our FREE Money Coaching Bundle.
Our Money Coaching Bundle will give you the tools to change your money mindset from scarcity to abundance – and your money goals will follow suit!
Included in our Money Coaching Bundle, you’ll find 3 PowHERful worksheets:
💎 Build PowHERful Habits Worksheet
💎 Money Bitch Spend Tracker
💎 Own Your Day PowHER Planner