Knock out debt and slay your goals!
Knock out your debt and SLAY your goals!
⚡️Do you cringe a little every time you swipe your card?
⚡️Do you have piles of unopened bills on the kitchen table that are causing anxiety?
⚡️Are your student loans making you want to run in the opposite direction?
⚡️Unsure of how to best balance saving and paying off debt?
⚡️Maybe you may have everything under control but want to learn how to pay things off efficiently.
We get it, sister (and we’ve been there)! No way around it – being in unmanageable debt SUCKS.
But, you’re a Money Bitch – you can HANDLE this. You can DO the hard things! And we’ll empower you with the knowledge to make the best decisions for your situation.
This course is about taking a real look at your debt, leveraging your options, and creating a strategy that will help you end the anxiety!
Let’s get clear on how to ditch debt so you focus on building wealth and slaying your money goals.
What we’ll cover
What we’ll cover
In this course you’ll learn to:
⚡️Create a personalized Spend Plan that supports a life you love and not just a focus on being frugal
⚡️Understand the impact of your “adult report card”- your CREDIT Score!
⚡️Learn how to calculate your net worth (and why that even matters)
⚡️Where to start when paying off debt
⚡️Understand the debt terms you should know
What we’ll cover
What we’ll cover
In this course you’ll learn to:
⚡️Create a personalized Spend Plan that supports a life you love and not just a focus on being frugal
⚡️Understand the impact of your “adult report card”- your CREDIT Score!
⚡️Learn how to calculate your net worth (and why that even matters)
⚡️Where to start when paying off debt
⚡️Understand the debt terms you should know

Yes, you CAN manage your debt!
Yes, you CAN manage your debt!
Let’s be real here — we are all going to face debt at some point in our lives, but it’s how we choose to handle it that really matters.
If you’re hiding from your debt, then girl, it’s time to FACE IT. You can handle this, and you KNOW it. You just have to take the first step – and my team and I are here to help!
Yes, facing debt is tough – but, what’s worse, living your life in 24/7 anxiety over your finances, or stepping into your Money Bitch power and handling your sh*t?!
Don’t let debt take over your life.
Take help when you’re offered it, and seek help when you need it most. And remember, I am here to guide you through the entire process.
Let us teach you how to get your debt under control and SLAY your goals!