Estate Plan NOW, for less stress LATER
Estate Plan NOW, for less stress LATER
Estate planning conversations are never easy or the most enjoyable thing in the world, we know!
However, it is so necessary to be prepared for the “what ifs”:
What if something happens to my parents? To my spouse? To me?
What if one or both of us is not able to work?
What if my mom and dad need assisted living or nursing home care?
While you may be thinking about having a discussion about end of life issues with your parents (and yes, you DEFINITELY should), it’s also important for YOU and your partner to have your ducks in a row in case the unthinkable happens.
We created the ultimate “What if Binder” to help you plan for those inevitable moments now so that you can enjoy your time with your loved ones without the stress of money and wills later on. Just setting aside one day to sit down and create a plan can help you relieve future stress.
Trust us – you will thank yourself later if anything ever happens.
So, what exactly is the “What If” Binder?
So, what exactly is the “What If” Binder?
It’s a place to keep copies of important information, so you can find things at a glance.
It will help you be prepared to easily take over your parent’s (our your) affairs if something happens unexpectedly (or even expectedly).
It helps to relieve stress and make you feel in control.
And, it keeps everything “need to know” at the fingertips of your loved ones, keeping them in the loop easily.
Make sure the people you love most are taken care of by taking the time to plan ahead – and keep all of the important details in one place.

I’m Sarah, and I’m not just a kick-ass coach – I’m also a caregiver.
I’m Sarah, and I’m not just a kick-ass coach – I’m also a caregiver.
A few years ago, my perfectly healthy mom had a brain aneurysm. She was rushed to the hospital, where she had several surgeries and was in a coma.
I realized we as a family hadn’t had very many end of life discussions – and there were A LOT of opinions at play.
My mom is a strong lady and she did recover, but I needed to become her caregiver. I handled her medical, financial, and personal matters.
Taking care of someone is not easy – there are so many facets of our lives that we don’t think to account for. I had to work hard to piece together all of the details.
We know these “what if” moments are not what you want to think about, but they can come quickly and without warning, and in those moments, we want you to be able to be with your family, not stressing over finances and your parents’ wishes.
I created this binder so YOU don’t have to endure the same experience I did – fact-finding day in and day out, playing guess and check, constantly stressed about handling all of the details.
We understand what you’re going through and we are here to help take some of the stress off your back. It’s confusing, unfair, and can leave your mind RACING.
Let us help make this challenging time easier for you.