Yep, we hate budgets too – here’s what you need instead.
Yep, we hate budgets too.
Budgets are bullsh*t.
They feel like a diet — restrictive and NO FUN.
They don’t help you build money boundaries, and they can make you feel like a failure when you don’t “stick to your budget.”
Knowing where your money is going is a HUGE part of a smart financial strategy and can be the difference between making it rain or being stuck forever.
Picture yourself enjoying beach vacations, spa days, and brunch with your friends. Imagine breaking free of a scarcity mindset and giving yourself the freedom to spend money on luxuries you love, while nixing the rest.
What if we shifted your focus on spending money on what YOU value, rather than cutting out everything that makes us happy to get there?!
What we’ll cover
What we’ll cover
Imagine a spend plan that allows you to say buh-bye to every mistake that you’ve made, every budget you’ve created that felt impossible to stick to, and every terrible feeling you’ve ever had about money.
Well, sister, you’re on your way to creating a Spend Plan that helps you save for the future while living the life you want RIGHT NOW!
Inside this course you will learn:
⚡️What a Spend Plan is and HOW to make one
⚡️Where the heck your money is going
⚡️How to tailor YOUR plan to YOUR goals
Module |
Getting Started + Why Budgets Don’t Work |
What Do You Want Most? |
Knowing What You Own + Owe: Your Net Worth |
Creating Your Ideal Spend Plan |
Where to Go From Here! |
What we’ll cover
What we’ll cover
Imagine a spend plan that allows you to say buh-bye to every mistake that you’ve made, every budget you’ve created that felt impossible to stick to, and every terrible feeling you’ve ever had about money.
Well, sister, you’re on your way to creating a Spend Plan that helps you save for the future while living the life you want RIGHT NOW!
Inside this course you will learn:
⚡️What a Spend Plan is and HOW to make one
⚡️Where the heck your money is going
⚡️How to tailor YOUR plan to YOUR goals
Module |
Getting Started +Why Budgets Don’t Work |
What Do You Want the Most? |
Knowing What You Own + What You Owe: Your Net Worth |
Creating Your Ideal Spend Plan |
Where to Go From Here! |

Put your money were your goals are!
Put your money where your goals are!
Stop beating yourself up about the money mistakes of the past and wasting your precious energy on what you can’t control. Instead, let’s focus on what you CAN do now.
Get READY to:
⚡️ Have an abundance mindset when it comes to your money
⚡️Be intentional with every dollar
⚡️Have learned to say “no” confidently to things that you don’t love, so that you can have the joy of saying “yes” to what serves you best
⚡️Be paying yourself first, saving for what’s most important and SPENDING the rest
…And doing it all without fear, judgment, or shame!
Your worth isn’t tied to your frugality and saving every penny isn’t the only goal. Wealth creation is about so much more than that!
Creating a Spend Plan is about a lifestyle shift of spending more intentionally and consistently putting your money where your goals are. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but will be so WORTH it once you see results!
Whether you have just committed to getting on track or celebrating a major money milestone, being intentional with your dollars will help you get where you want to go!