Do you find yourself zoning out during virtual meetings? Are you consumed by all the other things you could be doing around the house besides working? Being able to work from the comfort of your own home offers a range of benefits, such as flexible hours, and increased productivity. However, it can also be challenging to stay organized when working remotely. Without the structure of an office environment, it’s easy to get distracted or fall behind on tasks. Here are 4 ways you can work to stay organized and on task when working from home.


1. Develop a Routine

Establishing a daily routine can help set expectations for productivity in the home setting. This could include designing a designated workspace, taking regular breaks, and scheduling specific tasks throughout the day. Additionally, having consistent times for starting and ending work shifts can help separate work from home life and ensure that personal time is respected.

When creating a routine, it is important to take into account any unstructured time that you may have in your day. This could be anything from taking breaks throughout the day or scheduling some time to think about upcoming projects. Taking some time each day for yourself can help reduce stress and give you the energy necessary to stay productive and organized.

It is also beneficial to create a specific workspace for when it’s time to work. Having this designated area will help create a mindset of productivity and focus whenever you enter it. This should be somewhere free from distractions like televisions, phones, or other devices which could draw away from your focus. Try to choose an area that is only meant for work. Although your bedroom may be free of distractions, having your couch or your bed as your designated work space may not leave you feeling very motivated. Your body associates your bed with sleep, and your couch with relaxation, so try choosing a desk or a table in your home that is solely meant for productive days of work.

Finally, one of the best ways to remain organized when working remotely is by making use of technology. Many software programs now exist which can help with task management and organization; they allow users to track deadlines, prioritize tasks, collaborate efficiently with others, and so much more. Utilizing these tools correctly can make staying organized while working remotely much simpler and efficient than ever before!


2. Dress for Success

While sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt may be tempting, dressing professionally can help you get into a productive mindset. Now we aren’t talking heels and a pencil skirt or a suit and tie, but ditch those pajama pants and dress for the role. When you look professional on the outside, it can help sharpen your focus internally and give you the boost of confidence that comes from looking put together.

When wearing business attire, people tend to act more professionally and have greater focus as they are reminded that this is not casual time. This formality helps them to stay organized, set boundaries between work and personal life, and increase their level of self-discipline throughout the day.

In addition, dressing for success has been linked to improved moods and enhanced self-image. People who dress well feel more confident in their own skin and have more positive mindsets heading into their work day compared to those who don’t bother changing out of their pajamas. The power of looking good can also positively enhance one’s performance since feeling good about yourself increases motivation levels and leads to better decision making over time.

Most importantly, dressing for success enforces a sense of respect for yourself and your tasks at hand so that each day is productive and meaningful. Brush your teeth, comb your hair and get yourself ready for the day. Keeping your routine consistent can help boost your confidence and keep you pushing forward.

Even though you may not be meeting with colleagues or clients in person, the way you present yourself can have a significant influence on your attitude and effectiveness when working remotely.


3. Eliminate Distractions

Working from home requires an extra layer of discipline to stay on task. Try to eliminate common distractions such as social media notifications or television shows by turning off notifications on your devices. Hire a babysitter or set clear boundaries with your children if they will be home during your office hours. Make a checklist of activities or tasks for the kids to get done during the day while you are working. Let them know ahead of time when you will be available to make lunch or spend time with them, that way everyone is on the same page.

If household chores and necessary errands are distracting to you, find time to set aside to get things done, rather than trying to multitask. Although it’s tempting to take care of these tasks during work hours, this can lead to decreased productivity and higher stress levels. Consider outsourcing these errands if you have the budget for it.

We know that your phone can be incredibly enticing when it is constantly buzzing with notifications.  However, they can quickly become major time-wasters if left unchecked. To make sure that you stay productive while working, turn off all notifications on your devices while you’re working. If necessary, use an app like Freedom to temporarily block distracting websites so that you won’t be tempted to visit them during work hours. Rather than constantly scrolling through social media throughout the day, consider setting aside specific times where you allow yourself a few minutes of social media browsing – just don’t let those few minutes turn into hours!


4. Take Breaks

Working from home means that there is no physical separation between personal time and work time, so  it’s easy to slip into burnout mode if there is too much focus on productivity without enough rest periods.

It’s important to take breaks throughout the day—whether that’s going for a short walk outside, engaging in an activity unrelated to work, or simply taking a few deep breaths in order to remain focused and motivated.

For instance, setting aside time once or twice an hour can help break up the monotony of work. During these times, it’s important to step away from the computer and do something else – go for a walk, stretch, read a book, talk with friends or family on the phone. It can also be helpful to take longer lunch and coffee breaks during the day to give yourself a full 15-30 minutes away from your desk.

Taking regular breaks boosts brain power and increases creativity because it allows us to gain new perspectives on problems we are working on. Simply changing your environment or adding some physical activity will give your brain an opportunity to process ideas differently than if they were stuck in the same spot all day long. Get outside! Most people now spend longer hours indoors than ever before due to remote working arrangements and your body craves natural light and fresh air.

It’s also important that we ensure these breaks are used as intended; scrolling through social media or binge watching TV shows won’t help us get any closer towards achieving our goals. Instead, use that time for mindful activities such as yoga or meditation, getting outdoors, or talking with family and friends. We all need a break sometimes. You deserve it!

Working from home is not for everyone! If you’re new to remote work, there are many things you can do to help make sure you are as successful as you can be. Setting aside dedicated work hours and creating an effective workspace will help you stay focused on the task at hand. Additionally, making sure to take regular breaks throughout your day helps with mental focus and clarity so that you don’t become overwhelmed or burn out quickly. Take the time to get yourself organized! Anyone can make their remote-working experience productive with a bit of discipline and organization.

Need help getting on the right track? Check out our upcoming events, where we will be going over the essentials to owning your future!